Requirement analysis - 要望 (demand) vs 要求 (request) vs 要件 (requirement)
The difference between 要望 vs 要求 vs 要件
Documentation in system development - Business related document
Business related documents in software development
What are the documents used for system development?
The importance of documentation and common document you may come across
What is a Request for Proposal (RFP) in Software development?
If you’re about to outsourcing a project, you should consider creating an RFP
Blog update
Restructured with Hugo and moved to Vercel
Simple Form Validation in Mithril Js
How to validate form input in MithrilJS
Trying out MithrilJS
First day into Mithril
A great Japanese ebook about System rebuild
A great IT book by IPA
Moved my site to Heroku
Simple Reddit client using Angular (3)
Create a simple Angular application fetching data from Reddit (3)