Documentation in system development - Business related document
Continue from my last post, this time, I will explain briefly business related document and provide some example pictures.
現状業務の業務フロー図 (AsIs) and システム化後の業務フロー図 (ToBe)
(Current business flow diagram (AsIs) and Business flow after systemization diagram (ToBe))
Sometimes also called 業務フロー定義書.
Describe the current and future business flow, make the work flow visible to the reader.
業務機能一覧 (List of business functions) or 業務機能構成表 (Business function structure table)
Describe the structure of organization business, usually from top to bottom, sometimes also include other information like person in charge, how many hours it take per day/month, priority etc.
システム化業務一覧 (List of systemization business) and システム化業務説明 (Systematization business explanation)
A list of business that will be systematized and explanation.
ビジネスプロセス関連図|Business process relationship diagram
Describe the relationship between each business function, similar to business flow diagram.
外部システム関連図 (External system relationship diagram)
Describe how the system exchange data with other systems.
業務処理定義書 (Business process definition)
Describe detailed business content that cannot be written in the business flow diagram.
システム開発地図 (System development map)
A document that organizes the deliverables for each work in the project, which output will be used as input for other task etc.
IPA- ユーザのための要件定義ガイド ~要求を明確にするための勘どころ~
第2回 [システム振舞い編]一覧表に一工夫入れることで漏れや重複をなくす